Welcome to PLEP Homepage
This is a public workspace collecting PLE Publications (PLEP) used for literature review for the following study:
Buchem, Ilona and Attwell, Graham and Torres, Ricardo (2011) Understanding Personal Learning Environments: Literature review and synthesis through the Activity Theory lens. pp. 1-33. In: Proceedings of the The PLE Conference 2011, 10th - 12th July 2011, Southampton, UK. URL: http://journal.webscience.org/658/
The original selection of publications can be found here: Original list of PLE Publications
We would like to enourage everyone to extended this original list and in this way create a public repository of publications related to Personal Learning Environments.
If you would like to add a publication to this public repository, please name a reference as a comment to the following page: PLEP Recommendations. Thank you for your contribution!
Ilona Buchem, Graham Attwell, Ricardo Torres
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